
Membership Benefits

Secure Offices And Location

Get in and out, anytime, any day, 24/7.

Water, Tea & Coffee

Help yourselves.

All Inclusive Pricing

Our membership fees include everything. One low monthly payment.

Meeting & Conference Rooms

Enjoy access to our meeting and chill-out rooms.

High Speed Internet

Unlimited Fiber internet

Relax and Chill!

On our sofas, beanbags or play a game of ping-pong. We have heaps of room to mingle with other members.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where exactly are you located?

Cassandra’s high-energy and high-impact content is the antidote to ‘Zoom fatigue’! Some of the most-commonly used engagement tools include ‘live polling’ during livestream engagements, and a variety of other interactive tools and platforms in partnership with a session moderator.

How can I get there? Any public transports? Any place for my car?

There are plenty of buses to central Hastings from Havelock North and Napier. This makes it very convenient and affordable to travel to City Space. Follow this link for more information: Hawkes Bay Buses to see schedule.

Who is the place suited for?

Any Small Business, Entrepreneur, Startup, Designer, Developer, Accountant, Programmer, Techie, Editor, Filmer, Photographer, One Man Band, Freelancer, Digital Nomad.

How much is a coworking desk?

Our prices start from $99/month for 1 day per week, $149 for 2 days and $249 for 24/7 access. Day pass / hot desk is $29 per day

How can I contact CitySpace?

Please call Scott on 0223940346 or email